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报告题目1:Strengthening Industry Collaboration in Universities: a TU/e Perspective.

报告题目2:Autonomous Motion Coordination of Multi-vehicle Systems.


报告地点:学院路校区 主楼409

报告人:孙志勇 博士,荷兰埃因霍温理工大学电气工程系教授,博士生导师


There will be two parts in this talk. In the first part, we will discuss the TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology) practice on strengthening research and collaboration with industry, which makes TU/e a world-leading university in cooperation with industry (TU/e belongs to the top 1% in global rankings for co-publishing and cooperating with industry).

In the second part of this talk, we will present recent research work of autonomous systems and motion control at the Autonomous Motion Control (AMC) lab at TU/e. We then focus on constrained motion control of muti-vehicle systems, while we aim to address various heterogenous motion constrains arising from many practical vehicle systems with different kinematics/dynamics motion equations. Lastly, we will discuss emerging research topics on multi-vehicle formation control with spatio-temporal constraints.  


Zhiyong Sun received the Ph.D. degree from The Australian National University (ANU) in 2017 (under the supervision of Prof. Brian D. O. Anderson). He worked as a Research Fellow/Lecturer at ANU of Australia, and then a Postsdoc Fellow at Lund University of Sweden. Since January 2020 he joined Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) of the Netherlands, as an assistant professor. He is co-directing the TU/e AMC lab.

He has won the Springer Best PhD Thesis Award and has authored the book titled Cooperative Coordination and Formation Control for Multi-agent Systems (Springer, 2018). He has received several best paper and student paper awards from IEEE flagship control systems/robotics conferences such as CDC, AuCC, ICRA and CCTA. His research interests include multi-robotic systems, control of autonomous formations, distributed control and optimization.

Personal Page:  //www.tue.nl/en/research/researchers/zhiyong-sun

主持人:韩钰 副院长





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